
14 things you should not do in your period

5. Don’t Eat Salty Foods

Foto de Artem Beliaikin en Pexels


many women experience water retention (i.e., bloating) during their periods, so it’s best to avoid high amounts of sodium. Since salty foods tend to be very dehydrating, your body overcompensates by stockpiling hydration. However, if you’ve already fallen down the sodium hole and are feeling a bit puffy, drink plenty of water so that you flush out the excess salt and your body can return to its normal state

6. Don’t Forego Protection

While that it’s actually okay to have sex while you’re menstruating, he explains that “there are a few studies that have shown an increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease during menstruation, so it is advisable (as always) to practice safe sex.” This increased risk is due in part to the fact that blood will be present during sex, meaning blood-borne diseases are more easily transferred. warns that it is also possible to become pregnant while you’re menstruating, so just another reason to play it safe if you aren’t planning on expanding your family anytime soon.

7. Don’t Use Cleansers With Artificial Fragrance

Using soaps, sprays, or creams with perfumes can also cause vaginal irritation and should be avoided, If you have a strong vaginal odor, it is best to see your gynecologist in case there is an infection or imbalance that can be treated. that perfumes “contribute to an overgrowth of odor-producing bacteria,” so try using a more natural product like SweetSpot On-the-Go Wipes ($8) when you want to freshen up during your cycle (and when you’re not menstruating).

8. Don’t Wait Too Long to Take Pain Medication

If you experience painful cramps during your period, advises you not to wait to treat your symptoms: “Many women wait too long to take pain medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen. These slow down the production of substances that cause pain, so taking the medications at the first sign of your period can reduce the symptoms proactively.”


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